Adverse Side Effects of Drinking Coffee- Is Coffee Bad For you?

In this article, we are going to talk about seven adverse side effects of drinking coffee. We will also share with you the best alternative drinks to coffee as recommended by experts.

Did you know that more than 180 million people in America start most of their days with a cup of coffee?

Coffee is the most popular beverage in the world and many people take it because of the plenty of health benefits it provides our bodies with.

However, even though coffee has multiple health benefits, it’s known to have some potential negative effects especially when it becomes so addictive that you can’t go a day without drinking a cup of it.

Well, some coffee drinkers may (or may not) experience the side effects listed in this article though- but it is good to read them in case you drink your cup of coffee next time and you start to have a strange feeling.

Let’s get started.

1. The Caffeine in Coffee May Increase Blood Pressure

Heavy coffee drinking may increase high blood pressure which often leads to diabetes.

That means it’s important to stick to the recommended dosage of less than 400 mg of caffeine a day.

It’s also important to understand that the caffeine content isn’t the same on all coffee beverages.

Some coffee drinks like ‘Caffe Americano’ contain 75 mg to 300 mg of caffeine. Besides, the brewing method can also cause a difference in caffeine content.

Different people have different metabolic processes so it’s easy for some people to take too much coffee without noticing any adverse effects.

Drinking too much coffee is said to increase high blood pressure levels for a period of 4 to 6 hours.

In short, the caffeine in coffee may raise blood pressure for a short time- usually 3-6 hours.

2. Coffee Stimulates Hydrochloric Acid Production

This is especially true for those who drink coffee immediately they get up before eating anything else.

Usually, hydrochloric acid production is stimulated to digest food- and this usually happens when food reaches the small intestine. This means that every time you consume a cup of coffee, hydrochloric acid is produced and in the end, the production may go down making it hard to digest large meals.

Proteins, for instance, require too much hydrochloric acid to be digested and if the production of this acid decreases, it means that foods rich in proteins will not be broken down effectively before reaching the small intestine.

Sometimes this may lead to a range of health problems such as colon cancer, bloating, diverticulitis, etc.

In fact, experts say that many health problems begin in the gut and that’s why it’s important to limit your coffee intake.

3. Too Much Coffee Drinking is Said to Cause Insomnia

Even though caffeine helps you to stay alert by raining your energy levels, the effect can be damaging when you want to sleep.

Well, some people may consume the coffee immediately before going to sleep and still sleep like little kids while others can toss and turn the whole night.

As mentioned above, different people have different metabolic processes. The process is faster for some people while slow to others.

Usually, when caffeine enters the bloodstream, its effect can be felt after 20 minutes of consuming it. It will take longer (around 6 hours) before the body gets rid of the effect. But the effects can be felt longer than this depending on a person’s liver health and other factors.

It’s important to understand the right time to drink coffee if you don’t want to affect your sleep patterns.

Drinking coffee with moderation is not linked to insomnia though but it is good to keep off coffee late in the afternoon or some hours before going to bed. Even drinking coffee 6 hours before going to bed is said to affect sleep quality for some people.

4. Coffee May Trigger Acid Reflux and Heartburn

Usually, once you have swallowed food, the lower esophageal sphincter needs to remain closed to keep the food from coming back into the esophagus.

The caffeine in coffee relaxes this valve hence making food content to come back where the hydrochloric acid burns the delicate lining.

Note that this problem doesn’t only arise when you consume coffee but other caffeine-producing drinks can also trigger acid reflux and heartburn, although coffee is said to be the main trigger.

5. Coffee Affects Mineral Absorption

People who consume coffee in larger quantities may experience insufficient absorption of minerals in their bodies.

This is partly caused by the fact that coffee impairs iron absorption in the stomach and especially the kidney’s ability to keep important minerals and irons such as zinc, calcium, magnesium, etc.

Although your body needs all these essential minerals for healthy purposes, when the absorption of magnesium is interfered with, your digestive system suffers.

6. Cutting Back Coffee Consumption Has Side Effects Such as Severe Headaches

The caffeine in coffee has the same effects as a drug, so cutting back on coffee consumption doesn’t happen overnight.

It is possible for some coffee drinkers to cut back on the consumption while heavy drinkers may need to cut down a little.

Withdrawing from coffee can cause painful headaches for some people. The effects last for around two days after withdrawing from coffee but will diminish thereafter.

7. Coffee May Trigger Stress and Anxiety

Taking too much coffee triggers the production of norepinephrine, cortisol, and epinephrine- hormones that increase the heartbeat speed, blood pressure, and tension.

And even though coffee is said to boost energy levels, the energy can be extreme. Instead of feeling active and energized, you may start to feel anxious.

The Best Coffee Alternatives To Try

What is the best alternative for coffee?

Even though is the most popular beverage worldwide, to some people, it can cause some health problems. If you are looking for alternative drinks that will still give you the exact kick you could get with a cup of coffee here is a list of some of them.

Matcha Tea

Matcha is a type of tea obtained by steaming, drying, and grinding young tea leaves finely. Matcha produces caffeine plus L-theanine, an amino acid that has a relaxing effect although it does not cause jitteriness.

Unlike green tea, with matcha tea, you drink the entire grind leaf. Matcha tea is said to decrease your risk of high blood pressure, weight gain, and body fat.


Smoothies also nourish the body with natural ingredients that can boost your energy instead of coffee, and that’s why it’s one of the best coffee alternatives.

Typically, smoothies contain servings of fruits and vegetables which are necessary for our diet.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is also another coffee alternative to boost your energy in the morning. It’s non-caffeinated and is made by fermenting crushed apples with yeast and bacteria.

During the fermenting of crushed apples, a compound known as acetic acid is produced which is said to have beneficial effects on insulin sensitivity and blood sugar levels

Golden Milk

Golden milk is also another caffeine-free beverage and a good replacement for coffee. It’s warm and is rich in refreshing spices like cinnamon, ginger, and black pepper.

The turmeric in golden milk serves as a powerful anti-inflammatory compound because of the presence of curcumin.

Other delicious coffee alternatives include kombucha, green tea, yerba mate tea, chicory coffee, lemon water, and many others.

Final Word

As you can see, although coffee has many health benefits, it may not be a suitable drink for everyone. No matter how you love your morning cup of joe, if it causes some of the side effects we have mentioned in this article it’s better to reduce your coffee consumption.

If you are looking to cut down on your coffee consumption, we hope these coffee alternatives will help you.

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Sophia Green

Sophia is a long time coffee enthusiast and blogger, so the project started naturally five years ago. You can find useful information about coffee types, plantations, equipment and even tips and tricks or fun facts.

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